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The miserable lives of chickens raised and killed for McDonald’s

Suffering constant pain
Chickens raised by a known supplier of McDonald’s grow so large so fast that their legs can’t support their own bodies. Neither can their organs - the birds often suffer heart attacks as a result of their unnatural rapid growth. These birds, bred for their parts such as “breasts” and “wings,” suffer leg deformities and constant pain so severe they can barely walk.

Stuffed into dark sheds
Tens of thousands of oversized chickens are crammed together inside dark sheds without much room to move. Rarely able to engage in most natural behaviors such as perching, pecking or dust-bathing, these normally-curious baby birds rot in boredom.

Burned and barely able to breathe
The birds’ litter is rarely changed, forcing these chickens to sit, eat, and sleep in their own waste. Because the birds are too heavy to lift off the ground, the ammonia-laden litter burns the birds’ bellies, causing feather loss and boils. The putrid air stings the birds’ eyes.